Bukaka Long Stroke Pumping Unit

Bukaka Long Stroke Pumping Unit is designed for efficient pumping in deep, high-volume, and challenging wells. The long stroke and slow pump motion allow more time for fluids to enter the pump intake, enhancing pump fillage and lifting efficiency. With its efficient counterbalance system and unique geometry, the unit improves system efficiency and energy savings. By reducing cycles and reversals by 40 to 60%, it minimizes rod-on-tubing wear, prevents downhole failures, and significantly extends the lifespan of sucker rods and downhole pumps.

To support long-term reliability, Bukaka also supplies spare parts, maintenance, and service solutions tailored to operational needs. Built with durability and compliance with industry standards, the Bukaka Long Stroke Pumping Unit is a dependable choice for demanding oilfield environments.

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Bukaka Long Stroke Pumping Unit